Sunday 14 February 2010

Wilson's Petrel Uncut

This is it folks, previously unseen and uncut video from the legendary pelagic out of North Shields on September 1st 2002 when a Wilson's Storm Petrel was found - the first North Sea record. Listen to the disbelief, the cries of joy and expletives from the lucky dozen.

If the Wilson's wasn't enough we also had Sooty Shearwaters galore, Manx Shearwater, Storm Petrel, a couple of Sunfish (Mola mola) and all the Skuas; Great, Pomarine, Artic and Long-tailed. The weather was perfect, warm, sunny, and calm.

It does not get any better than this.

A couple of lads were catching Mackerel and the Sootys were taking fish off the hooks as they reeled the fish in!


  1. Ultra grip-off! I'm sure BWPi would be interested in the footage ;)LOL

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Happy memories indeed :-) Probably only rivalled up here by the September 2007 pelagic which produced both Great and Balearic Shearwaters and 2 Minke Whales.

    Two of the 'Wilsons 11' have both Wilson's and (presumed) Fea's Petrel on their Northumberland self-found list. One of us is still missing Leach's though...
