Friday 14 March 2014

Hopping along...

According to the national news, frogs have been in a spawning frenzy for the last week, everywhere, except here!

Not a single sighting of a frog or toad in mine or my neighbours pond.

Conspiracy theories began to be concocted; a mystery disease, maybe some nasty spray used by the farmer....but then today, while doing a spot of gardening........

Meanwhile, the Blue Tits have some competition for their nest box...

And in the moth trap, a new species for the garden....

Oak Beauty

Sunday 2 March 2014


Last week saw some spring arrivals to the garden, and some preparations for those to come.

First off was a very aptly named Spring Usher, a new moth for the garden, and for me.

Spring Usher
Next was a March Moth, right on cue.

March Moth
And the crocuses provided a welcome source of nectar for a queen Buff-tailed Bumblebee.

Buff-tailed Bumblebee
A queen Common Wasp was out sunning herself, demonised by most, but a great garden pest controller for those who understand these valuable, voracious predators.

Common Wasp
In preparation for the Swallows arriving back in April, I've completed building a log store for them to nest in. Hope they appreciated it!

Swallow Hut