Saturday 23 April 2011

Far from the Madding Crowd

One of the great things about Northumberland are those hidden gems that you can enjoy without seeing another soul, even during the current holidays and fine weather.

Let's start with Hawsen Burn, Harthope...............

Minotaur beetle Typhaeus typhoeus - a dung beetle of heaths, moorlands and mountains, especially in the north and west of the British Isles. Here seen enjoying Sheep dung.

Red Grouse

Meadow Pipit

Brown Silver-line

Wheatears were singing. Buzzard, Kestrel & Sparrowhawk overhead.

Today I went to Beacon Hill. The approach road gave me my first Whitethroat and Cuckoo for the year. In the wood......


Redstart (female)

Redstart (male)

No Pied Flycatcher or Wood Warbler yet and no sight or sound of Mr Whippy.


  1. You need to look harder Tim...

  2. We've seen our first Pied Flycatchers here in South Wales ... but no Redstarts this year.
