Monday 5 December 2011

Newbiggin by the Sea - it's mainly rubbish!

Having spent 10 million on a new breakwater and beach, you'd think the local community would take care of their new asset. The beach is covered in rubbish, tons of it. Shame on you Newbiggin.

Anyhow, I did manage to get one shot of the Desert Wheatear without a pop bottle, or plastic bag spoiling things.

Desert Wheatear Oenanthe deserti


  1. Not just the folks of Newbiggin, 80% of the population of this country treat the place like a rubbish bin or ash tray.

  2. They should all be taken out and shot!

  3. Okay, lets just leave it then.

  4. I think you may be missing my point. That stretch of beach gets few visitors as compared to say St. Mary's. I'd be willing to wager a large proportion of the shite floats in and isn't deposited by locals. Doesn't excuse it but the problem isn't exclusive to Newbiggin, it's just more visible in the North Bay to those used to beaches that are regularly cleaned and beautified in the south of the county ;)

  5. Not missing the point. Just sad to see beaches covered in crap :(

  6. Oddly enough plastic pollution of marine environments (particularly its bioaccumulation) is my field and I have to say I feel your anger (but I wont go onto the rant now). Also, its a lovely shot! Full of character.

  7. Hola Tim. Tu blog me parece muy interesante y tus fotos muy buenas. Me uno como seguidor. Saludos!!
