I've had a few concerned folk ask me why I haven't been blogging for a while. Well, it's like this. I've been busy. For those that know me it may be hard to even to begin to comprehend, but it is, alas, true. Anyway, I'm back.
This morning was a beautiful snowy morning, just what was needed for an early morning walk around the patch at East Holywell.
East Holywell |
Good numbers of Fieldfare in the paddock, though shy as usual, taking flight as soon as I opened the front door. A walk along to Fenwick Pit and a covey of Grey Partridge were calling, while a flock of Rook fed around the 'new' subsidence pond at the eastern side of the pit.
Grey Partridge |
Rooks |
And what have I been busy doing I hear you ask. Well more on that later............